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Troop 196B Eagle Honor Roll

Reaching the rank of Eagle is Scoutings highest award. The number of Eagle Scouts of Troop 196B is now 94 since the troop was re-activated in the fall of 1989. Eagle Scouts from the prior to 1989 re-chartering of Troop 196, please contact Michael Monostori,

Our Eagles Scouts by first name are...
Tom Z....1992 Corey S....1992 Jim Z....1993 Jason J....1993 Jeff P....1994
Matt S....1995 Tom M....1995 Rob S....1996 Alex M....1996 Gerry J....1996
Chris B....1995 Corey R....1997 Tim C....1998 Matt W....1998 Nick K....1999
Steve C....1999 Karl M....1999 Chris R....2000 Matt S....2000 Darren N....2000
Mike B....2001 Joe K....2001 Ryan B....2002 Kris W....2002 Michael B....2003
Charles M....2004 Chris P....2004 Alex B....2004 Brent B....2004 Matt R....2004
Ryan P....2004 Charles H....2004 Ryan F....2005 Nick B....2007 Harrison F....2008
Duquayne P....2008 Richard S....2009 Ryan H....2010 Kevin B....2011 Andrew H....2011
Zachary F....2011 John A....2011 Tim S....2012 Evan B....2013 Matthew G....2013
Angelo P....2014 James B....2014 Nils H....2014 Lars H....2014 Kyle B....2014
Garrett B....2014 Jack L....2014 Nate C....2014 James E....2015 Brandon R....2015
Ben H....2015 Christian H....2015 Isaac R....2015 Jack B....2015 Alec G....2016
Danny E....2016 Ryan E....2016 Ethan V....2017 Jacob G....2017 Matthew W....2017
Jack P....2017 Ryan M....2017 Anthony R....2017 Robert S....2017 Garrett G....2018
Dylan T....2018 Brody A....2018 Matthew A....2018 Ben M....2018 Andrew A....2019
Kyle S....2019 Danny M....2019 Kevin S....2020 Ian F....2020 Aidan W....2020
Tristan E....2020 Matthew M....2020 Jimmy M....2020 Nathan R....2021 Adrian P....2021
Alessio V....2022 Zachary S....2022 Tyler A....2022 Isaac W....2022 Daniel A....2023
Sam S....2023 Trevor F....2023 Shane C....2023 Anthony A....2024

If you happen to see our scout trailer somewhere in the church parking lot, please note the eagle scouts that have their names inscribed upon it.
A special rememberance to two known Eagle Scouts of Troop 196, and to those scouters and families in whose hearts you will always be remembered with special honor.


If you are an eagle scout of Troop 196 send us a picture of yourself in uniform. Tell us about yourself ! mtm