Troop 196B Eagle Honor Roll
Reaching the rank of Eagle is Scoutings highest award. The number of Eagle Scouts of Troop 196B is now 94 since the troop was re-activated in the fall of 1989. Eagle Scouts from the prior to 1989 re-chartering of Troop 196, please contact Michael Monostori,
Our Eagles Scouts by first name are...
Tom Z....1992 | Corey S....1992 | Jim Z....1993 | Jason J....1993 | Jeff P....1994 |
Matt S....1995 | Tom M....1995 | Rob S....1996 | Alex M....1996 | Gerry J....1996 |
Chris B....1995 | Corey R....1997 | Tim C....1998 | Matt W....1998 | Nick K....1999 |
Steve C....1999 | Karl M....1999 | Chris R....2000 | Matt S....2000 | Darren N....2000 |
Mike B....2001 | Joe K....2001 | Ryan B....2002 | Kris W....2002 | Michael B....2003 |
Charles M....2004 | Chris P....2004 | Alex B....2004 | Brent B....2004 | Matt R....2004 |
Ryan P....2004 | Charles H....2004 | Ryan F....2005 | Nick B....2007 | Harrison F....2008 |
Duquayne P....2008 | Richard S....2009 | Ryan H....2010 | Kevin B....2011 | Andrew H....2011 |
Zachary F....2011 | John A....2011 | Tim S....2012 | Evan B....2013 | Matthew G....2013 |
Angelo P....2014 | James B....2014 | Nils H....2014 | Lars H....2014 | Kyle B....2014 |
Garrett B....2014 | Jack L....2014 | Nate C....2014 | James E....2015 | Brandon R....2015 |
Ben H....2015 | Christian H....2015 | Isaac R....2015 | Jack B....2015 | Alec G....2016 |
Danny E....2016 | Ryan E....2016 | Ethan V....2017 | Jacob G....2017 | Matthew W....2017 |
Jack P....2017 | Ryan M....2017 | Anthony R....2017 | Robert S....2017 | Garrett G....2018 |
Dylan T....2018 | Brody A....2018 | Matthew A....2018 | Ben M....2018 | Andrew A....2019 |
Kyle S....2019 | Danny M....2019 | Kevin S....2020 | Ian F....2020 | Aidan W....2020 |
Tristan E....2020 | Matthew M....2020 | Jimmy M....2020 | Nathan R....2021 | Adrian P....2021 |
Alessio V....2022 | Zachary S....2022 | Tyler A....2022 | Isaac W....2022 | Daniel A....2023 |
Sam S....2023 | Trevor F....2023 | Shane C....2023 | Anthony A....2024 |
If you happen to see our scout trailer somewhere in the church parking lot, please note the eagle scouts that have their names inscribed upon it.
If you are an eagle scout of Troop 196 send us a picture of yourself in uniform. Tell us about yourself ! mtm